Ruby Gloom Wiki
Broken Records
Season: 1
Episode number: 20
Directed by: Robin Budd
Written by: Alan Resnick
Production number: 120
Air date: June 17, 2007[1]
Previous episode: "Sunny Daze"
Next episode: "Gloommates"

"Broken Records" is the 20th episode of Ruby Gloom, released on June 17, 2007 on YTV. It was written by Alan Resnick.


Iris tries to break a world record, but Ruby keeps breaking them before her.

Opening Sketch[]

Poe and Iris give tips about being safe.

Closing Sketch[]

Skull Boy and the others use different objects to create music.


  • Ruby breaks the records for making the coolest batch of ice tea, holding her breath the longest, having the most contagious laugh, and giving the longest apology.
    • Iris breaks the longest apology record with Ruby.
  • Misery breaks the record for largest tornado wrangling.
  • Skull Boy breaks the record for most pillows knocked over by a single sneeze.
  • Frank and Len are revealed to have a phone with a guitar-shaped base.

