Ruby Gloom Wiki
Déjà Vu - Again
Dejan Vu Again
Season: 2
Episode number: 28
Directed by: Robin Budd
Written by: Alan Resnick
Production number: 208
Air date: November 11, 2007
Previous episode: "Writing on the Wall"
Next episode: "Ubergloom"

"Deja Vu Again" is the 28th episode of Ruby Gloom. It aired on YTV on November 11, 2007, and was written by Alan Resnick.


Ruby is the host of The Gloomsville Town Fair, but she messes everything up. When she wakes up the next day, Ruby goes through the same day when everything went wrong. Now Ruby must find a way to fix things or else she'll be going through the same day over and over again.

Opening Sketch[]

Doom Kitty plays Hide-&-Seek with her shadow.

Closing Sketch[]

Skull Boy tries to paint a portrait of Ruby.


  • The candy-making machine invented by Skull Boy makes one last appearance in "Last Train to Gloomsville", where it is used as the train’s autopilot throughout the climax of "Part 2".
  • The plot of this episode is likely inspired by the movie Groundhog Day.