Ruby Gloom Wiki
Frank and Len
Frank Len Main
Species: Conjoined twins
Occupation: Musicians, songwriters, singers
Gender: Male
Hair: Black
Eyes: Black
Likes: Music, popcorn, potato chips with onion dip, sandwiches
Voiced by: Jeremy Harris (Len)
David Berni (Frank)

Frank and Len are fictional characters appearing in the Ruby Gloom franchise. Rockers by nature, these conjoined twins live in Gloom Manor's garage. They have their own garage band, known as R.I.P.. Frank and Len's strength lies in performing music. Unfortunately, this seems to be their only strength, since they can hardly focus on something if it doesn't have a beat. Frank is actually the more intelligent of the two, often getting annoyed at Len's lack of understanding. Len is the more sentimental one, who seems to have a thing for small animals and things that don't exactly matter in anyone else's book. Even though they seem upbeat for their music, the two of them are almost never on the same page, even though they're both in the same body. Despite this fact, Frank and Len are close. For example, in the episode "Quadro-Gloomia", when the brothers needed a way to become unconscious, they were unable to hit each other over the head with planks. Another example of this is in the episode "Iris Springs Eternal". Ruby, Frank and Len were sliding down a mud slide when Frank said, "Len, if we don't get out of this I just want you to know that you've been the best brother a brother could have for a brother." Also, as of the episode "Quadro-Gloomia", Frank and Len appear to be the only housemates (other than Doom Kitty) who know about Ruby's crush on Skull Boy.

Physical appearance[]

Frank's half of the body is blue and he has savvy hair, while Len's skin is green and his hair is flat. They wear a reddish brown T-shirt with a silly face emblem (similar to the band Nirvana's emblem) and dark blue pants. Frank wears a black and white checkered shoe, and Len wears a black shoe printed with red flames. Len wears an eyebrow ring.


Frank and Len are goofy, passionate about music, and dimwitted (especially Len).


  • Len and Iris' voice actors are married.
  • Frank and Len have two main guitars: a double-necked guitar and one with barbed wire stings and the acronym "R.I.P." on it.
    • In addition to the guitars used throughout the show, they appear to collect guitars and display them around the garage. Most of these guitars are glittery.
  • Frank and Len have a tattoo on their chest identical to the emblem on their shirt.
  • Frank and Len enjoy reading comic books (as seen in "Venus de Gloomsville").
    • They each have their own superhero alter ego: Frank Man and Len Boy.


Main article: Frank and Len/Gallery