Ruby Gloom Wiki
Gloomer Rumor
Season: 1
Episode number: 1
Directed by: Robin Budd
Written by: Carolyn Hay
Production number: 101
Air date: October 15, 2006
Previous episode: N/A
Next episode: "Grounded in Gloomsville"

"Gloomer Rumor" is the first episode of Ruby Gloom, first released on YTV on October 15, 2006. It was written by Carolyn Hay, who also developed the series for television.


Ruby is planning a surprise party for her friends. Misery, Iris, & Skull Boy learn about her secret, but they get the wrong message and think that Ruby is moving. Now they try their best to convince her to stay. Meanwhile, Frank & Len get the wrong message too, except they think Ruby is dying.

Opening Sketch[]


Closing Sketch[]

"The Magnificent Miss Misery"


  • This is the only episode without an opening sketch.
  • While the first time we are properly introduced to Scaredy Bat is in the next episode “Grounded in Gloomsville,” aside from the opening intro, Scaredy still makes a quick appearance in the Last Supper picture Skull Boy paints while Ruby is trying to avoid being seen. Incidentally, the way Skull Boy paints everyone is reminiscent of Martin Hsu's artwork for the original product line.