Gloomsville is the town where Ruby and her friends live. Due to the show's Gothic style, Gloomsville's moon is alive, the sky is always cloudy (due to Misery residing there), and the ground is purple.
- The show almost exclusively focuses on the gang's adventures in and around their mansion. Therefore, not much is known about the rest of Gloomsville.
- In "Lucky Me", a conversation between Ruby and Skull Boy tells us that Gloomsville's oldest resident is an aardvark who runs the town's library.
- The same conversation tells us that the lowest point in Gloomsville is the blue font canyon just north of Weber Gulch.
- The episode "Sunny Daze" reveals Gloomsville's cloudiness is caused by Misery. When she leaves town, the sun comes out; when she comes home, the clouds return.
- The holiday Yam Ween is celebrated once a year in Gloomsville.
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