Ruby Gloom Wiki

"I'm Afraid of Everything" is a song from "Hair(Less): The Musical". It was sung by Scaredy Bat, Ruby, and Skull Boy.


Take it easy
It's my philosophy...
Ah! You see,
You that scare will bother me?

[Skull Boy]
So you like being afraid?

Oh, no, no, no,
Are you crazy?
My heart is racing!
I am perspiring heavily,
You know, the fat of my little neck is standing in attention


But, you know why say I didn't?
Here, let me explain:
A kite, a tree, a piece of string,
I'm afraid of everything!
I don't even like to sing,
I'm afraid of everything!

This bed, this mirror, this knickknack shelf
Aaah! Where did you guys come from?

I'm not even scared of myself,
My tooth my cane, my scarf, my aah!
See, I'm afraid of everything!

Now you try!
A girl who can... do the... splits?

Scares me out of my wits!

[Skull Boy]
A friendly goat whose name is Billy?

I'm sorry, but that guy scares me silly!
Summer, winter, fall, or spring,
I'm afraid of everything!

I like to swing here all by myself, but
Even that makes me afraid?
Well, no biggie, you know?

Oh, dearie, dearie,
I have a little fearie,
But I do not shed a tearie,
I even cheery cheery cheeeeerery
'Cause I'm used to being leery,
So there's no need to query,
The theory of my fearie,
Oh dearie, dearie, dearie, dearie me.

So that is the message that I shall bring,
Oh, I am afraid of everything!
