Ruby Gloom Wiki

"I Tried to Fit In" is a song from "Hair(Less): The Musical". It was sung by Skull Boy and Skele-T.


[Skull Boy]:
I tried to fit in and have some fun
I hate to burst our balloon
I'm not being a skeleton, but I ain’t no skeleton,
I'll have no bones about it!

About a musical, gee,
I’m without it!
I could try to dance bolero,
But there's no rhythm in my marrow
My career is done before it's begun,
I can't even play with the spoons (see?)

I may be a skeleton, but I ain't no skeleton!
I hate to be a newbie, if I only I could find Ru--

Become, young man!
If you got nothin' to do,
You got the chops, the dops, and the broom!

[Skull Boy]:
Really? I'm good?

You just wrote a song that's all the rage!
We gotta get you up onstage!
You may be a skeleton, but you're also a skeleton!

[Skull Boy]:
Okay, that's great!

There's a lot to do!

[Skull Boy]:
Wow, look at that!
A thread, it reminds me of home!
You see, Thread-hold buttons were a primary feature of Mr. Buns,
Who has handcrafted by my dear friend Ruby!

I'm sorry, Skele-T, but I have to go home
I just realized something great
It feels I've been gone since June
I miss my friends, my fleas, and everyone!
I may not be a skeletoon, but I am a skeleton!
But you see, I know who I am:
A skeleton, a skeleton who misses his friends.

Thanks, guys!

He may be a skeleton, but he is a skeleton!
