Ruby Gloom Wiki
Malady and Malaise
Species: Banshees
Occupation: ???
Gender: Female
Hair: Black
Eyes: White (Malady)
Red (Malaise)
Likes: Long stories (Malady)
Naps, buttermilk (Malaise)
Voiced by: Stacey DePass (Malady)
Sarah Gadon (Malaise)

Malady and Malaise Misery are Misery's cousins, who, when both are together, cause a localized ice age. Despite their faults, Misery loves her cousins. They first appeared in "Misery Loves Company". Later, they're seen in "I'll Be Home for Misery" and make silent cameos in "Last Train to Gloomsville".


Malady is the one character that is more disease-prone than her cousin, Misery. Her arm is shown to be in a sling, and when asked about this, she'll ramble on and on about it for hours. Spending time with her alone will cause a tremendous headache, as experienced by Poe.


Malaise suffers from narcolepsy and can often be seen lying on a couch or bed or even asleep on the floor randomly. She is accompanied by many creatures like a snake, spiders, an octopus, snails and butterflies which usually attach themselves to the full-body veil she wears. The pupils in her black eyes are red instead of white like Misery's. Spending time with her alone will cause one to lose steam, as experienced by Iris.


Main article: Malady and Malaise/Gallery



  • Malady is voiced by Stacey DePass, who also plays Iris.
  • Her name means "disease".
  • She is used to the cold, though she still gets sick because of it.
  • Malady is speculated to be around 11 or 12 years old.


  • Malaise and Ruby are both voiced by Sarah Gadon.
  • Her name means "unease".
  • Her red eyes may actually be due to her tiredness.
  • Her full-body veil makes her look ghostly.
  • She and Misery are speculated to be the same age.