Ruby Gloom Wiki
Ruby Cubed
Ruby Cubed
Season: 1
Episode number: 13
Directed by: Robin Budd
Written by: Carolyn Hay
Production number: 113
Air date: February 25th, 2007
Previous episode: "Happy Yam Ween"
Next episode: "Shaken, Not Scared"

"Ruby Cubed" is the 13th episode of Ruby Gloom. It was written by Carolyn Hay and originally aired on YTV on February 25, 2007.


Skull Boy puts on a magical hat that makes him talk like a Shakespearean actor, which makes Iris and Misery fall in love with him. In fact, they love Skull Boy so much that they won't stop stalking him. Skull Boy then goes to Ruby and asks her to help him figure out a way to make the other girls leave him alone. But then, Iris and Misery see Skull Boy spending a lot of time with Ruby and they start thinking that she is what Skull Boy likes in a girl and they both start acting like Ruby.

Opening Sketch[]

Doom Kitty puts on a magic show.

Closing Sketch[]

Misery pretends to be a queen.


  • The play The Gloomsville Gang puts on is Romeo & Juliet, but Poe changes the title-characters' names to "Basil and Rosemary".