Ruby Gloom Wiki
Science Fair or Foul
Season: 1
Episode number: 6
Directed by: Robin Budd
Written by: Alex Nussbaum
Production number: 106
Air date: November 19, 2006
Previous episode: "Iris Springs Eternal"
Next episode: "Poe-Ranoia"

"Science Fair or Foul" is the sixth episode of Ruby Gloom, written by Alex Nussbaum. It aired on November 19, 2006 on YTV.


The big Gloomsville science fair is coming up and Skull Boy can't think of a project. So he creates a robot dad to help him make one. But then, Skull Boy finds out that his "Dad" is trying to eliminate the competition by destroying the other projects.

Opening Sketch[]

Scaredy Bat's book review.

Closing Sketch[]

Misery talks about how you can avoid bad luck.


  • The gang's projects:
    • Ruby creates a machine that makes Doomcakes (Pancakes that are in the shape of Doom Kitty's head).
    • Iris does a project on Venus Flytraps.
    • Frank and Len play different instruments and write down their frequencies.
    • Misery collects different types of weather.
    • Boo Boo tries to figure out what Scaredy Bat is really afraid of.