Ruby Gloom Wiki
Skull Boys Don't Cry
Season: 1
Episode number: 10
Directed by: Robin Budd
Written by: Carolyn Bennett
Production number: 110
Air date: December 17, 2006
Previous episode: "Quadro-Gloomia"
Next episode: "Bad Hare Day"


It's club day in Gloomsville and everyone has made up their own club, except for Skull Boy, who can't think of a club that really suits him. Then he meets a group of skeletons who love to play jazz and he decides to form a jazz club. But whenever Skull Boy tries to introduce the skeletons to his friends, they disappear and Skull Boy's friends start thinking that he made them up.

Opening Sketch[]

Ruby talks about the fun stuff you can do while doing the laundry.

Closing Sketch[]

Misery does a ventriloquist act.


  • The gang walks under the moonlight the way they do in the theme song.
    • In this scene, Ruby, Iris, and Misery do not have the tall haircuts they had in the previous shot.
  • Skele-T and the Skele-Tunes Debut.
  • They form these clubs:
    • Hair Today, Gone Tommorow (Ruby, Misery, and Iris)
    • Fright Club (Boo Boo and Scaredy Bat)
    • Read Poe Society (Poe, Edgar, and Allan)
    • The Wandering Rock Minstrels (Frank and Len)
    • Unnamed club where members play with yarn balls (Doom Kitty and Mr. Buns)
  • When Ruby walks up to Skull Boy in the graveyard, blink and you'll miss it, but he smiles upon seeing her new hairdo for the first time.

Hidden references[]

  • Boo Boo’s rule about Fright Club is a straight-forward reference to the rule from Fight Club: “Do not talk about Fight Club.”
  • Branch Not Taken refers to the poem "The Road Not Taken."
  • Red Poe Society refers to the movie "Dead Poet's Society"
  • This episode's title is a spoof to the movie, "Boys Don't Cry", starring Hilary Swank.


  • After Skull Boy meets the Skele-tunes, Ruby walks up and says “Hey, Skull Boy.” But her mouth doesn’t move.