Ruby Gloom Wiki
Skull in the Family
Skull in the Family
Season: 2
Episode number: 26
Directed by: Robin Budd
Written by: Carolyn Hay
Production number: 206
Air date: September 17, 2007
Previous episode: "Name That Toon"
Next episode: "Writing on the Wall"

"Skull in the Family" is the 26th episode of Ruby Gloom. It originally aired on YTV on September 17, 2007, and was written by Carolyn Hay.


A couple of Russian skeletons come to visit Gloom Manor, claiming to be Skull Boy's relatives. While Skull Boy is excited to meet them, Misery believes that they might be impostors. Skull Boy doesn't believe her at first, but after a little snooping, he finds out the truth.

Opening Sketch[]

A music video to Misery's song, "Train Wreck".

Closing Sketch[]

The gang celebrates "Big Cheese Release Day".

