Ruby Gloom Wiki
The Beat Goes On
Season: 2
Episode number: 33
Directed by: Robin Budd
Written by: John van Bruggen
Production number: 213
Air date: April 13, 2008
Previous episode: "Hair(Less): The Musical"
Next episode: "Out of this World"

"The Beat Goes On" is the 33rd episode of Ruby Gloom.


Scaredy is afraid of everything... until he gets close to a percussion instrument. Then he's the "Little Bat with the Big Beat". Then Ruby and Skull Boy accidentally cause Scaredy to think there's something wrong with him for not being afraid to play the drums. Of course, when he's convinced he's needed behind the drums, he becomes a drumming machine, driving everyone batty.

Opening Sketch[]

Misery returns with her ventriloquist dummy.

Closing Sketch[]

Skull Boy makes a film about Scaredy Bat's drumming.


  • Frank: "I've got blisters on my fingers!!" -- At the end of the song "Helter Skelter" by The Beatles, Ringo Starr can be heard shouting out this same exact line.