The theme song was written and performed by Canadian singer-songwriter Jeen O'Brien, who also provided Misery's singing voice.
So today we're gonna,
Take the time to show ya
The br-br-bright side of the Dark Side
And we think you oughta
No, you really gotta
See the br-bright side of the Dark Side
Ruby Gloom
(Ruby Gloom)
(Ruby Gloom)
(Ruby Gloom)
We're gonna show you why
There's more than meets the eye
The br-br-bright side of the Dark Side
And we think you oughta
No, you really gotta
See the br-bright side of the Dark Side
Ruby Gloom
(Ruby Gloom)
(Ruby Gloom)
(Ruby Gloom)
Ruby Gloom
(Ruby Gloom)
(Ruby Gloom)
(Ruby Gloom)
- "The bright side of the dark side" serves as both a reference to Ruby's catchphrase "Look on the bright side" and a metaphor for the show's spooky-but-friendly atmosphere.