Ruby Gloom Wiki
Tooth or Dare
Tooth Or Dare
Season: 2
Episode number: 22
Directed by: Robin Budd
Written by: Nicole Demerse
Production number: 202
Air date: July 8, 2007
Previous episode: Gloommates
Next episode: Venus de Gloomsville

"Tooth or Dare" is the 22nd episode of Ruby Gloom. It was written by Nicole Demerse, and aired on July 8, 2007 on YTV.


When Scaredy Bat loses a tooth, Ruby tells him the story of the tooth fairy. Scaredy Bat puts his tooth under his pillow and falls asleep. During the night, he wakes up and meets the tooth fairy , who is tired of collecting teeth. So now, Scaredy Bat and Ruby try to help her find a new job.

Opening Sketch[]

Doom Kitty pretends to be a detective.

Closing Sketch[]

Misery learns to be more cheerful.


  • The tooth fairy's real name is Millie.
  • Skull Boy is absent in this episode.
  • The episode title refers to a pastime game Truth or Dare, which is also a horror movie.
  • It is ambiguously hinted several times that Scaredy Bat has a crush on Millie. Whether she feels the same way is never explored.
  • Frank and Len spend the episode using random cures to try to get scaredys tooth out.